Not a bone in my body wanted to celebrate.
If you think this signals that things are on their way up now then you are deluded. The pain and suffering that will come, oh it will most certainly come. It will get even worse before it begins to get any better. Because God used Trump to expose the deeprooted hatred and violence upon which America, and really the whole Western world, has been built. No President or Vice President can heal such divisions, which have only grown a thousand times deeper this year. No, this is God’s time to shine now. And it is our time to do the hard and gruelling and dangerous work of loving as deeply as humanly possible, in a way that humanity has been crying out for but has not seen since Christ was on the earth. I pray relentlessly that God will use Biden to truly begin that work in the nation that perhaps needs it the most – more so than he used Trump to show us just how much work really needed to be done.