I probably should have been more specific. We were supposed to be watching Hot Fuzz on this frigid spring evening, but I wanted to work my mind a little first. "You're not actually going to write about potatoes are you?" His incredulity was swiftly followed by an under-breath "You weirdo." I guess I am both writing about potatoes and a weirdo.
The first thing that leapt into my mind – when I opened my laptop and logged into blogger for the first time in a long time just to write about potatoes – was a bit of a stretch at best, absolutely ridiculous (and probably insensitive) at worst: oh isn't my long-time writing famine a bit like what they had in Ireland however many decades ago...
Ridiculous. But hey, what do you know. I seem to be lifting out of the 'famine', brought about by a confusing combination of laziness and busyness rather than by blight (according to a quick google search). Now that I have been lifted (though, as ever, I make no promises as to how long I will remain hovering above you with my pen/keyboard at hand) I would quite like to turn my thoughts and tap my fingers to the tune of things beyond my little world: cultural phenomena like this great famine that I now cannot stop thinking about.
We're in the depths of our own landmark cultural phenomenon – a global pandemic in case you weren't aware – and while this little old hermit soul and her big old hermit lover have adored the extra time recuperated from the three-hour-long daily commutes, this is also surely a great opportunity for us to step outside of our social & mental worlds a little bit more, no? Maybe get to know what's going on in the Great Out There, and dig into what went on in the Great Before. Get to know what the people around me are thinking and feeling and saying and doing, and how the past ties into all of this. It will be interesting to see how my endeavours take shape. Perhaps I will even endeavour to keep you updated on it... perhaps.
"Are you writing about potatoes still."
No Sam, I guess not – I digressed.