

We are Days away.

Can you believe it.

I have never in my life felt such excitement and... relief.

We're finally here, about to settle into the rhythm of our forever. I have no doubt that rhythm will be wild at times, tranquil at others and perhaps even stagnant on the odd occasion... but for the rest, I cannot say with certainty. And that is what I love the most about this, about you.

I know and I don't know what we're getting ourselves into, but you are my best friend and my fellow adventurer and I love you and I know that one day I will love you more than I love myself. I have enough confidence to know that I am not all there yet (if I were, what would this life-long journey be moving me towards exactly?) and enough patience and faith to know that I will get there. We will get there.

We are so young, and we are so old, that is the beauty of marrying a kindred soul like you. Plenty of time, plenty of patience,
plenty of love,
