Shine On, Hollow Moon

i have this small scar now. i acquired it over the summer, right where my right eyebrow should end. my new scar- the remenants of a burn that extends the dark line of hairs so that it looks like my brow wants to trespass onto the pulsing planes of my temple. but it doesn't. it stops there at the parameter and probably won't move for a few years now. and tonight, filled with a strangely peaceful apathy- an apathy that is content and comfortable enough to sit alone with itself tonight- i am wondering why it is i can never stop and be happy with what & who i am at each given moment. for, in secret, i am tired of striving to always be more than.
    i recall today was a good day: his 25th birthday, my baby's new day at my old school, and i managed to silence the voices that like to tell me my love would be better off without me, with her instead. that one miraculous hush fell as i beckoned my inherent imperfection nearer to me through the shadow of my small summer scar. and i thought, it was a good day, it is always a good day when i am alive and loving and being loved.